Thursday, September 13, 2012

New videos on gvsig ce youtube channel

New videos regarding network analysis were uploaded to gvsig ce youtube channel:

The videos refer to the following three topics:
  • how to generate a network
  • how to perform shortest path analysis
  • how to exectute origin-destination matrix
Other functions (Closest facility, Connectivity, Minimum spanning tree) want to be tested and videos will be done in parallel.

Have fun! Ruth

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

gvSIG CE Code Sprint 2012

The first gvSIG CE  Code sprint is planned for Monday October 15th to October 19th 2012 in Munich.
If you are interested in improving any aspects of gvSIG CE development as a documenter, coder, or tester we'd love to have you here even if you can't attend all days. There's something for everyone at this event.
We're particularly looking forward to talking with folks working on GRASS GIS, SAGA, SEXTANTE and Geotools.
Join the gvSIG CE Code sprint and contribute in any way you like. If you are interested in our hack fest, please sign up to our community mailing list. Once there, please introduce yourself and tell us what you are interested in.
More information about this event is available here:
Please do not hesitate to redistribute this announcement in your respective channels.